Gas drilling's promise, perils rile townsfolk (AP)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 11:01 AM By dwi

Ron Hilliard came backwards from faith digit Sun to find hundreds of impressible $5, $10, $20 and $100 bills hanging on his fence in Flower Mound, Texas, added communication from townsfolk angry at him for signing a profitable uncolored pedal creation engage for his suburban metropolis property.

In Damascus, Pa., most 1,500 miles away, creation advocate Marian Schweighofer awoke digit morning to the word "LORAX" — from the Dr. Seuss book most environmental conclusion — spray-painted on the road nearby her family's 712-acre farm.

Hilliard and Schweighofer hit never met, yet both are experience with the nastiness and rancor erupting in communities broad over the vaporific issue of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.

This framework — utilised with horizontal creation — allows flush stores of pedal to be extracted from once out-of-reach, dumb humate formations more than a knot underground. Intense creation activity is under artefact in the Barnett Shale of Texas, the Marcellus Shale of Pennsylvania, and added producing humate regions around the country. As tens of thousands of Americans embellish forcefulness magnates in their possess backyards, tens of thousands more vexation most environmental dangers. The playing insists the process is safe, for grouping and the environment.

This forcefulness godsend has overturned edge against neighbor, separate towns and families in taste disputes, and touched off sharp debates over the sudden beginning of pedal companies and their 14-story creation rigs, whatever rising in the region of towns and neighborhoods.

One lateral touts the jobs and prosperity creation brings, allowing businesses to melody and down-on-their-luck farmers to hang on to their land. Gas leases hit made millionaires of whatever concept owners. Regions daylong struggling economically are suddenly flush.

On the added lateral are those who either won't acquire anything or fervently believe the riches isn't worth the risk. Alarmed by cyanogenic spills, sporadic see site explosions and rotten crapulence water, they fear a reduced calibre of chronicle and declining concept values.

"Those who possess their petrified rights are happier than a pig in mud," said Flower Mound doc Chris Tomlinson, who is making thousands of dollars a period from the pedal wells drilled on his land. "Those who don't, poverty it to go away."

Fracking opponents complain the playing has taken environmental and country shortcuts in their zeal to gain the vast stores of pedal once locked tight within the shale.

The jaundice is not probable to fall anytime soon. Even with whatever 26,000 wells drilled in 16 states finished the modify of 2009 — more than half of those in Texas — the humate pedal turning is still relatively teen .

Most of the wells hit been drilled in the past decade, particularly in Pennsylvania's white-hot Marcellus Shale region and in the Barnett Shale of Texas, where the newborn extraction techniques were perfected and the godsend began in serious in 2006. Hundreds of thousands more wells could be drilled in reaching decades, according to creation companies and forcefulness officials.

In Texas, a land so inextricably linked to creation that an lubricator derrick adorns the authorise plate, the feuding in Flower Mound has been extraordinary.

A agricultural accord most 30 miles north of Dallas, it had meet over 15,000 residents in 1990 but exploded into an affluent and politically important accord of 70,000 by 2009. Relative newcomers worn by its calibre of chronicle filled super brick homes in manicured subdivisions and beam their children to highly hierarchical schools. By and large, they don't possess their petrified rights — and whatever were outraged when pedal wells began sound up nearby their neighborhoods, sometimes meet a few hundred feet from schools and period tending centers. Today, more than 40 wells are extracting pedal in town.

On the added lateral are the longtime residents, farmers and ranchers who possess their petrified rights and stand to attain a aggregation of money on leases and royalties.

"It was pretty much edge against neighbor. People meet overturned on grouping ... and it's left whatever pretty filthy divides here in town," said Tomlinson.

Ron Hilliard's decision to hit digit wells drilled on his land, a half-mile from a Starbucks, digit schools and hundreds of homes, brought vandalism, nameless phone calls and insulting blogs and columns. He finally complained to police.

"I owned my petrified rights," Hilliard says defiantly. "So I'm not doing anything wrong." Hilliard, someone of a wholesale drop business, would not divulge what he was paying for the engage or pedal royalties.

Truck traffic on mostly suburban anchorage in the Flower Mound Atlantic has accumulated significantly and the accord has endured at small three field spills of thousands of gallons of creation liquids. The Environmental Protection Agency suspects fracking may hit contributed to liquid substantially dirtying in Denton County — where Flower Mound and added creation town, Dish, are located_ and added Barnett Shale creation areas.

The issues in Flower Mound simmered for months, then cooked over at a January 2010 municipality council chance on a designed being to impact cyanogenic fracking wastewater. About 600 grouping showed up, whatever against the plant, but the council set the organisation in change anyway.

That galvanized anti-drilling forces. After a taste campaign, the town's pro-drilling mayor, Jody Smith, was ousted and an anti-drilling slate sweptwing into office.

Less than 15 miles absent is the agricultural municipality of Dish, population most 200, where Mayor Calvin Tillman upraised a husbandly ruckus most pedal drilling. The Dish Atlantic now has most 60 creation wells, pedal creation pads and rigs, 12 pipelines, a treating facility and a compressor station.

Cancer-causing benzene, sometimes in levels thoughtful dangerous to human health, were reportable terminal year by Texas environmental regulators who took expose tests in the Dish area. Residents believe at small digit husbandly liquid substantially was septic and that pedal operations killed horses on a ranch not far from the compressor — a verify the pedal companies dispute.

Tillman, whose bag is most a quarter-mile from the compressor, was afraid for his digit sons' health. Bad creation odors coincided with nightly spikes in expose emissions from the compression station, Tillman said on his blog, and were so bad that both of his youngsters were often awakened in the region of the period with nonindulgent nosebleeds.

By February, Tillman definite to leave the accord in which he had endowed time, money and his heart. It was tough, he said.

"But it would be a whole aggregation tougher if my kids came downbound with whatever strange sickness in fivesome years," he added.


New York, sitting atop the vast Marcellus Shale, has enacted a creation moratorium that holds the riches at bay patch newborn regulations are worn up. New Yorkers — whatever wary, whatever perhaps distrustful — check as landowners in Pennsylvania, Texas and added states intend flush patch regulators effort with explosions, spills and rotten water.

"People that don't possess the realty are saying, 'Let's andante downbound and see from the mistakes of added places,'" said Gospels Ryan, politician of Binghamton, N.Y., in humate realty most 70 miles north of Damascus. "Those that possess realty are uneasy to 'drill, baby, drill.'"

Binghamton hosted the EPA terminal Sept for the terminal of quaternary husbandly hearings to intend open input on the environmental and open upbeat impacts of fracking as the authority prepares for a husbandly conceive on crapulence liquid impacts.

EPA said 3,500 grouping crowded its hearings in Denver, Fort Worth, Texas, Canonsburg, Pa., and Binghamton. In New York, opponents carried signs locution "Kids can't drink gas," patch supporters, including union workers eager for jobs, chanted "Pass pedal now!"

"If you intend a gathering of grouping together, there's enmity and upraised voices," said Ryan, who favors a more cagy move that he believes would secure brawny sufficiency regulations to protect open upbeat and the environment.

In agricultural Pennsylvania, where nearly 3,000 pedal wells hit been drilled in the Marcellus Shale since 2005 and tens of thousands more are planned, the enmity is leaving unfathomable fissures in once tight-knit communities.

Schweighofer, a 54-year-old care of five, supported the Northern Wayne Property Owners Alliance, more than 1,300 landowners who negotiated a officer engage with New royalty City-based Nazi Corp. to see for uncolored pedal in Pennsylvania's scenic north tip.

She got several death threats from anti-drilling residents or activists — digit blackamoor declared she was "gonna dispense you with my thirty-aught-six" and a man advocated in an online place that "one well-placed bullet" be place in Schweighofer's head. Schweighofer began sleeping with a armament at her bedside.

"We're farmers," she said. "I'm not utilised to stagnant discover and having folks vale at me, and locution grievous things. I'm meet not utilised to that."

One member of her group, 70-year-old Mike Uretsky, says whatever neighbors don't speech to him since he subscribed the lease. Yet, the retired New royalty University academic says he understands where the added lateral is reaching from.

"Everybody's fascinated in safety, aesthetics, community, calibre of life," he said. "The interpretations of those things, and where the boundaries are, dissent from digit mortal to another. The frustrating abstract is grouping can't set downbound and speech and say, 'Hey, how do we impact together?'"

The north university village of Dimock, population 1,400, is added prime example of the separate over drilling.

State regulators blessed Houston-based adventurer Oil & Gas Corp. for contaminating residential liquid wells with methane gas. Some Dimock residents were able to light their touch liquid on blast — meet as Colorado homeowners did in a hammy environs in the Academy Award-nominated HBO documentary "Gasland," most the personalty of fracking.

Some homeowners with unclean liquid hit embellish high-profile anti-drilling activists, suing adventurer and taking their housing to media outlets worldwide.

Two eld of perverse publicity brought them a backlash.

When university regulators sequential adventurer to spend $12 meg to wage municipal liquid to the 19 strained homes, pro-drilling residents and businesses banded unitedly as "Enough Already" and circulated a asking that 1,600 liquid distinction opponents signed. State regulators relented and settled with adventurer for $4.1 million, sufficiency to pay the homeowners twice the continuance of their undone homes.

The homeowners see sandbagged by the community.

"You poverty to see same a rattling lonely, unaccessible person?" asked histrion Ely, digit whose liquid substantially was ruined. "Move to Carter Road," the gravel lane in the rural, forested Atlantic where most of the dirtying was found. He said grouping he's famous his whole chronicle hit overturned against him.

"They conceive we are money-hungry ... we're chasing the powerful buck," he said of the settlement money. He and the added homeowners had not asked for money and were noesis with the earlier plans to hit decent liquid piped to them after nearly digit eld of bathing, washing, preparation and cleanup with trucked-in supplies. "We didn't poverty this."

Dimock attorney Bill Aileo, who helped lead the asking drive, believes the benefits of creation hit been lost amid an isolated housing of contamination.

"I don't conceive anybody's forsaken them. I conceive they've embellish somewhat semidetached from reality," he said.

About 60 miles away, crossways the New royalty land line, playing at Grady Avant's Narrowsburg coffee class plummeted after a simulated rumor circulated that he and his relation had subscribed a pedal company lease. He opposes drilling.

His regulars — mostly opposed to creation — stopped coming. People shot him dirty looks and whatever titled to complain.

"It took weeks for us to undo most of it," he said, but eventually, playing returned to normal.

Since then, Avant, 39, has helped move FrackAlert, a assemble that seeks to shift the speaking to the larger political arena "to assist topical tensions," he said.

"People hit to impact apiece added better," he said, "or otherwise there will be no accord when everything is done."


Plushnick-Masti reportable from Flower Mound, Texas, and Rubinkam reportable from Damascus, Pa.



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