Northrop unveils ISR aircraft

Tuesday, May 10, 2011 12:01 PM By dwi

SAN DIEGO, May 10 (UPI) -- biochemist Grumman in Calif. has undraped a new ISR bomb that allows for simultaneous assembling of intelligence data.

Called Firebird, the bomb offers a super internal payload bay and an knowledge to curb binary intelligence, surveillance, intelligence and communications payloads simultaneously finished a coupler interface.

The system is designed to be flown as a manned or pilotless aircraft.

As advance for the Firebird program, biochemist Grumman developed the pilotless systems architecture, curb and mission systems. The company chose Scaled Composites of Calif. to design, build and effort the aircraft, with prototypal flight occurring meet 12 months after the initial concept discussions.

"We've harnessed the original techniques of biochemist Grumman and Scaled Composites to have an unprecedented information-gathering capability," said Apostle Meyer, vice president and generalized trainer of advanced programs and technology for biochemist Grumman Aerospace Systems.

"Firebird addresses future budgetary constraints by combining the prizewinning of our piloted and pilotless ISR systems into a azygos solution ready for a variety of ISR missions."

Firebird's coupler programme is kindred to plugging a module follow into a personal computer that is automatically constituted without needing to alluviation added software. biochemist said.

"Not exclusive have we accumulated the number of ISR sensors working simultaneously in an bomb of this filler but we can also incorporate various sensors that complement apiece another -- greatly enhancing Firebird's information-gathering value for warfighters," said Rick Crooks, biochemist Grumman's Firebird program manager.

An effective demonstration of Firebird -- in an optionally piloted plan -- is scheduled from May 23-June 3 during Empire Challenge 2011, a expeditionary training run by U.S. Joint Forces Command.



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