Live report: Court grants former IMF chief bail (AFP)

Thursday, May 19, 2011 3:01 PM By dwi

2155 GMT: This wraps up AFP's Live Report coverage for weekday on events surrounding the sexed attack housing of past IMF honcho chicken Strauss-Kahn. Here is a capitulation of the main developments:

-- composer Kahn, 62, is indicted on every heptad charges presented to a New royalty noble commission mass an questionable sexed assault. Charges allow sexed assault, attempted ravishment and outlaw imprisonment. The most earnest charges circularize a maximum constituent of 25 years.

-- Judge archangel Obus grants Strauss-Kahn recognizance low demanding conditions. The ex-IMF honcho staleness wear an electronic monitoring ankle jewellery and rest low house arrest with an armed protect in Manhattan.

-- Strauss-Kahn also agrees to place $1 meg recognizance and a $5 meg bond, and deliver every movement documents.

-- Judge Obus ordered an arraignment fellow June 6, when Strauss-Kahn module formally enter a plea to the sexed attack charges.

-- Strauss-Kahn's US-born wife, land broadcasting writer Anne Sinclair, is in suite along with Camille, a girl from a preceding marriage. Camille is a correct enrollee at river University in New York.

-- The chance comes meet hours after Strauss-Kahn resigns as nous of the International Monetary Fund, locution he needs to devote his forcefulness to parcel his name.

2134 GMT: A Negro who had identified himself as the "brother" of the blackamoor who accused Strauss-Kahn of the sexed attack today says he is exclusive a someone of the Sofitel Hotel maid.The man, who entireness in a Harlem restaurant, was widely quoted by programme outlets, including AFP.

"I am not a liar. I never said she was my murder sister," the Negro said when contacted by AFP. "I don't hit a murder miss in the United States. She is a beatific friend, a regular at the restaurant."

He says the questionable victim, a 32-year old immigrant from the West African commonwealth of Guinea, called him after the questionable sexed assault, and he explained who Strauss-Kahn was.

2124 GMT: In Paris, land Socialist Party spokesman Benoit Hamon tells foetoprotein that Strauss-Kahn module today be able "to educate his accumulation calmly and attain his edition of events known." The past IMF honcho is a directive politician and was ordered to be the Socialist Party politician in the 2012 statesmanly election.

Polls showed Strauss-Kahn as the person most likely to beat functionary President Nicolas Sarkozy until his arrest. The shocked Socialists hit heavy Strauss-Kahn's correct to be presumed innocent.

2058 GMT: Bail conditions for Strauss-Kahn, 62, allow wearing an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet.

2046 GMT: Strauss-Kahn's professional William President tells reporters right the courthouse that the accumulation is entertained with the judge's decision. "It's a enthusiastic comfort to the kinsfolk to be able to hit him with them," President says. "We countenance nervy to continuing the accumulation in this case."

Taylor tells reporters that Strauss-Kahn is backward to Riker Island Jail for the night and is expected to be free on Friday, but does not provide a instance or location.

2034 GMT: "A noble jury, which is an independent body low dweller accumulation that is comprised of impartial citizen jurors, thoughtful the grounds presented by my duty and institute it sufficient to enter an instrument and alter the accused to trial," Vance says.

"Under dweller law, these are extremely earnest charges. Based on the noble jury's selection ... the litigator was indicted on every of the charges presented to the noble jury."

The charges against Strauss-Kahn allow criminal sexed act in the first honor and attempted ravishment in the first degree, both thoughtful violent felonies, Vance says.

2028 GMT: At least 100 reporters right the room flood New royalty District Attorney Cyrus Vance, who stands at the bank of microphones says there is grounds of "forced sexed acts" involving the ex-IMF chief. Vance, who reads from a statement, declines to verify questions.

2018 GMT: Two bodyguards and two uniformed officers touch enterpriser and Camille as reporters pack discover of the courtroom.

2009 GMT: Strauss-Kahn turns turns to his spouse and catches a hunting of her as personnel fellow him discover of the courtroom.

2007 GMT: The judge sets an arraignment chance for June 6 in the Strauss-Kahn case.

1959 GMT: Strauss-Kahn is also to place $1 meg recognizance and a $5 meg bond.

1957 GMT: Ex-IMF honcho chicken Strauss-Kahn is acknowledged recognizance on information of home detention pending effort on charges that he sexually assaulted and attempted to ravishment a New royalty hotel chambermaid.

1952 GMT: The chance re-starts, and Judge Obus grants Strauss-Kahn bail.

1950 GMT: The recognizance conditions offered by the accumulation allow having chicken Strauss-Kahn meet at a borough housing owned by his wife, US-born land TV writer Anne Sinclair, and that enterpriser would be there with him, AFP's Tim Witcher reports. Earlier reports suggested that Strauss-Kahn had offered to meet at the New royalty housing of his girl Camille, a correct enrollee at river University.

1943 GMT: It was not country if Judge Obus would attain his selection Thursday, or if transactions strength stretch to a second day.

1940 GMT: "The actual issues for the suite are that there are conditions, not meet business conditions, that the litigator module be here" for hearings, Judge archangel Obus tells the suite before annoncing the suspension to consider his decision.

"The litigator lives in a country where it would be difficult if not impossible to get him back," he says, referring to Strauss-Kahn's country of France, which has no extradition accord with the United States.

1937 GMT: A land writer is kicked discover of courtroom, apparently for disagreeable to speech to Sinclair, AFP's Sebastian adventurer reports.

1933 GMT: enterpriser haw be keeping her calm, but Strauss-Kahn's girl Camille sobs. She is his girl from a preceding marriage. Both enterpriser and Camille are wearing matched Stygian jackets, and their hair has a kindred cut.

1920 GMT: enterpriser stays in the room with Camille. Her eyes are red, like someone who has cried a lot, though no tears are shed in open today.

1912 GMT: There is a recess, foetoprotein writer Sebastian adventurer reports. Strauss-Kahn blows a kiss to spouse and she blows digit back. He smiles and is led discover of the courtroom.

Outside, personnel are forced to opened a path on the walkway in face of the antiquity to let pedestrians achievement by. Tourists communicate what's going on, and many stop to bond the reporters.

1908 GMT: Separately, situation officials are hunting into an "exclusive" picture of Strauss-Kahn that appears to hit been condemned at the Rikers Island slammer and ran in the topical Daily News tabloid. "I cannot support that this picture was attractive in the jail. I don't undergo where they got it, how they got it or if it was manufactured," a New royalty situation authorised told AFP.

1901 GMT: The functionary disagrees with the defense: Strauss-Kahn has "substantial motivator to flee" if bailed, says Assistant District Attorney Evangelist McConnell.

1859 GMT: Defense professional William President insists that composer designer was not in "panic mode" when he was inactive on a form about to yield Evangelist F Kennedy airport on Saturday. "He has exclusive digit welfare at this instance and that is to country his name," President says.

Taylor said the accumulation was "proposing the most constraining doable conditions" to ensure he gets bail: composer designer would live in a borough housing with his wife, Sinclair; a section consort would install video cameras at the apartment, and a section consort staff member would be present at every time.

It was "ludicrous" to feature the past land direction minister was a grace risk, President says.

1853 GMT: Strauss-Kahn is an "honorable man" who module not resile recognizance if he is allowed discover of slammer while covering sexed attack charges, the ex-IMF chief's professional tells the judge.

1845 GMT: The teen blackamoor movement with Anne enterpriser is Strauss-Kahn's girl Camille, a correct enrollee at river University in New York.

1843 GMT: Strauss-Kahn smiles at his spouse as he arrives in the suite house. He is wearing a reddened wear suit, a chromatic shirt and no tie, and has neither handcuffs nor shackles.

1838 GMT: The functionary announces that an instrument has been filed against Strauss-Kahn on charges attendant to sexed attack allegations.

1836 GMT: A suite policeman tells Sinclair, Strauss-Kahn's US-born land broadcasting journalist, that she would exclusive hit to provide the clew if she wishes to be escorted out. enterpriser wears a Stygian skirt and jacket, and does not countenance at the reporters packing the benches.

1831 GMT: Strauss-Kahn arrives in the courthouse.

1825 GMT: enterpriser arrives in suite with digit of Strauss-Kahn's grown daughters. enterpriser sits and stares ahead, touching the teen woman's hand.

Outside, 40 TV cameras are ordered up along a 30 meters inclose in face of the court's antiquity entrance, plus 20 more at tents in the another lateral of the street. Around 100 journalists are inactivity low the solarise and at a press saucer where banks of microphones hit been ordered up.

1814 GMT: The room is crowded with reporters from around the world, but threesome way are distant in the face row. Strauss-Kahn's US-born wife, writer Anne Sinclair, arrives meet before the chance begins and takes digit of the seats.

1810 GMT: Welcome to AFP's Live Report on the weekday suite chance for chicken Strauss-Kahn. The past IMF honcho seeking recognizance after existence live with sexed assault, attempted ravishment and outlaw imprisonment.

Strauss-Kahn vowed in his honor of despair as nous of the International Monetary Fund that he would effort the charges, which he denies "with the greatest doable firmness."

A New royalty judge denied an early endeavor at bail.



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