Toyota to halt Europe production for 8 days (AP)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 3:01 AM By dwi

TOKYO – Toyota Motor Corp. said weekday it module alter creation in aggregation for octad days cod to parts shortages mass last month's large seism and tsunami in Japan.

The advise underscored how the cater manducate in the consequence of the March 11 twin disasters is moving Toyota's operations beyond Japan. The world's No. 1 automaker declared last hebdomad it would alter automobile creation in North USA in April.

Toyota said it module prevent dweller creation at fivesome plants on octad days between Apr 21 and May 2 — machine gathering factories in Britain, author and Turkey, and engine plants in Britain and Poland. After the stoppages, the plants module separate at limited power in May.

The magnitude-9.0 seism and ensuing tsunami on March 11 destroyed machine parts factories in northeastern Japan, causing nonindulgent shortages for Toyota and another automakers.

Mamoru Kato, an machine analyst from Tokai Tokyo Securities Co. Ltd., said if the cater manducate drags on, Toyota could incur "big losses" in the April-June quarter.

"The consort simply cannot manufacture cars cod to parts shortages. In North USA and Europe, Toyota procures nearly every engine parts from Japan. Suspended creation in Nihon and North USA is a bounteous blow to Toyota," he said.

In Japan, Toyota is currently movement downbound creation except at three plants, which are running at limited capacity.

Toyota said it suffered a creation expiration of 260,000 cars in Nihon from March 14 to Apr 8 alone. The disasters also cost creation losses of 50,000 cars in aggregation and 35,000 cars in North America.

Toyota said it module uphold automobile creation at every its plants in Nihon at half power from Apr 18 to 27, but creation module then kibosh from Apr 28 to May 9, a punctuation that includes Golden Week holidays when factories would ordinarily close.

Toyota spokeswoman Shiori Hashimoto said weekday it remained unclear when the consort would convey to full creation in Japan. Toyota hasn't decided creation plans for after May 9.

Production in Nihon lonely accounts for 43 proportionality of Toyota's orbicular creation last year. In North America, where Toyota produces nearly 20 proportionality of its amount output, the consort said it would impose a series of one-day shutdowns at its North dweller plants from Apr 15-25.

Amid anxiety over a prolonged creation suspension, Moody's Investors Service warned last hebdomad that it haw downgrade its assign judgement for Toyota.

The news didn't noise shares in Toyota, which were up 1.3 proportionality to near at 3,285 yen weekday on the Nikkei 225. But its share toll has fallen nearly 10 proportionality since March 11 cod to anxiety over suspended production.



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