Japan government downgrades economy view on earthquake (Reuters)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011 8:01 PM By dwi

TOKYO (Reuters) - – Japan's polity on Wednesday downgraded its categorization of the frugalness for the first instance in sextet months, locution it is display imperfectness after a devastating seism and wave terminal period maltreated the north coast.

The revision is in distinction with the Bank of Japan, which also revilement its categorization of the frugalness terminal week in the consequence of the March 11 disaster, locution it would remain low "strong descending pressure" for whatever time.

"The frugalness is display imperfectness fresh cod to the effect of the Great East Japan Earthquake," the polity said in its monthly scheme inform for April.

That compared with the preceding month's inform that said the pickup in the frugalness was exclusive weakly self-sustaining and there was anxiety most the effect of the quake.

The polity also downgraded its views on key aspects of the economy, including exports, industrialized creation and clannish consumption, after the hardship and ensuant thermonuclear country crisis disrupted cater chains and triggered noesis shortages.

"The condition of the frugalness is no individual insipid or at a standstill, but kinda the direction is downward," said Shigeru Sugihara, director of macroeconomic analysts at the Cabinet Office.

The polity expects the imperfectness to move for the nearby term but with a pickup resuming along with a feat in production, reflecting solidified overseas economies and the personalty of different contract measures.

The polity also warned of downside risks to the outlook that could stem from noesis cater constraints, slow progress in restoring cater chains and the effect of rising oil prices.

The polity also revilement its categorization on exports for the first instance in four months, locution there are concerns most a fall cod to terminal month's disaster. Previously, it said exports were display shitting toward creation up.

The Cabinet Office also revilement its categorization on industrialized creation for the first instance in five months, locution manufacturing state was stagnating.

The government's monthly inform also revilement its view on clannish consumption for the first instance in two months, locution that whatever imperfectness was seen recently.

(Reporting by Kaori Kaneko; Editing by Edmund Klamann)



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