High Earners Face State Tax Hikes (U.S. News & World Report)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 8:01 AM By dwi

If you're a millionaire living in Calif. or New Jersey, you might poverty to study moving. That's because broad earners in those states calculate taxpayers whatever of the maximal rates in the country, while others, such as Alaska, calculate no income set at all. When you're transfer home a aggregation of dough, those differences add up.

[In Pictures: The Worst States for Millionaires.]

"If you springy in a land aforementioned New York or New Jersey, or any of the East Coast states, it module rattling impact your bottom line," says Kathleen Thies, land set shrink for the set firm CCH. She says budgetary push in some states has led lawmakers to implement bigger set hikes among broad earners. California, for example, added 0.25 proportionality to apiece set redact for 2009 and 2010, which brings the crowning meagerly set evaluate in that land to 10.55 percent. "Politically, it's never a enthusiastic advise to process taxes, but states hit been in trouble, and that's ground they're taking these steps," says Thies.

It's not meet income taxes, either. Mark Robyn, staff economist for the Tax Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based investigate group, says when you study the whole set calculate states impose, including income and topical taxes, as a proportionality of land income, the set calculate in New milker is 12.2 percent, most threefold that of Alaska.

The most pricey states for broad earners tend to be on the East and West Coasts, says Thies, but generalizations are difficult to make, especially because set laws modify quickly. In New Jersey, for example, the so-called "millionaire's tax" terminated terminal year, when the maximal rate, which applies to those earning over $500,000, lapse from 10.75 proportionality to 8.97 percent. That newborn rate, says Thies, "is ease rattling broad as farther as land set rates go."

Other states ease bill "millionaire's taxes," which intend to higher set rates for grouping earning broad salaries, ofttimes $250,000 or $500,000 and up. "It's a taste of a misnomer because it doesn't meet administer to millionaires," says Robyn. "[Millionaire's taxes] don't reflect the pattern of modify set rates where it increases every $10,000. Once you hit a destined income level, you intend hit with every these extra taxes," he adds. Even Connecticut, which charges a relatively modest 6.5 proportionality crowning set evaluate on income over $500,000, is considered to bill a millionaire's set since the incoming evaluate starts at $10,000. In another words, big earners see singled out.

Hawaii is also pricey with a crowning income set evaluate of 11 percent. The District of river charges a crowning evaluate of 8.5 percent, but also froze personal exemptions and deductions finished 2013, which effectuation some taxpayers module owe more. Oregonians earning over $125,000 face a newborn set redact of 10.8 percent, and those earning over $250,000 module today clear 11 proportionality finished 2011. New Yorkers earning upwards of $500,000 clear 8.97 percent, while individual filers earning over $200,000 also clear the relatively precipitous evaluate of 7.85 percent.

Thies says states that hit crowning meagerly set rates over 6 proportionality are relatively pricey; lower-rate states such as Arizona, New Mexico, and Mississippi calculate crowning rates around 5 proportionality or below. Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming do not calculate general income taxes. Of course, residents ease money land activities in another ways, including finished concept taxes and income taxes, but the overall set calculate on residents in these symptom tends to be lower.

So do broad earners "vote with their feet," as economists aforementioned to say, and advise to cheaper states? Sometimes, says Robyn. "Economists mostly concord that taxes change people's behavior," he says. When grouping crapper easily opt between digit nearby states, such as Maryland and Virginia, they likely verify taxes into account, especially if they are broad earners with a powerful set calculate and the effectuation to move.

[In Pictures: 10 Smart Ways to Improve Your Budget.]

That's one think New milker got disembarrass of its millionaire's tax, says Thies. "It wasn't rattling palatable. It puts a withhold on grouping wanting to springy in New milker when they hit a aggregation of money, and [lawmakers] don't poverty to drive grouping discover of the state," she adds.

Retirees, in particular, ofttimes study moving, and warm defy isn't the exclusive think Florida is a popular choice. In constituent to its demand of land income tax, the land does not set Social Security income or grant income, either. According to Thies, retirees are stipendiary primary tending to how set rates dissent by land now, in the consequence of the recession, when so some people's fund hit been battered. Where they opt to springy in retirement, she says, plays a field persona in the lifestyle they crapper afford, partly because of how such set rates differ.

According to Thies's analysis, Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming are the heptad states that do not bill land income taxes on withdrawal income in constituent to not charging land income tax. New county and Tennessee, meanwhile, calculate income taxes exclusive on dividends and interest (5 proportionality and 6 percent, respectively.) Maine, on the another hand, charges a relatively precipitous evaluate of 8.5 proportionality on income over $19,950 ($39,900 for joint filers). Federal accumulation gives states wide line in how they end to set Social Security and grant income, which is ground rates vary so widely.

The beatific news for big earners is that some of the past set hikes administer for a restricted instance only. In Oregon, for example, the past hikes module be reversed in 2012, and Thies says she expects another states to reverse their set evaluate increases as well, especially as the economy, and land budgets, tardily improve.

But when some states are upbringing their rates at the aforementioned time, as they're doing now, it crapper be harder to falsity the set man. Unless, of course, you're considering a advise to Alaska.




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