French ministers urge for changes in Renault (AFP)

Monday, April 11, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

PARIS (AFP) – French ministers said weekday it was up to Renault to end if its honcho executive stays on after an industrialized espionage gossip but that the carmaker's "dysfunctional" direction call had to change.

Their comments came as the part state-owned concern was about to hold an exceptional commission gathering later weekday to investigate an inspect committee's inform on the gossip that centralised on wrongful accusations of spying.

"The inspect inform shows that there were earnest dysfunctions and that lessons must be learned," Industry Minister Eric Besson told LCI programme channel, without providing details of the inform that has not been prefabricated public.

The gossip "reveals a direction system and a governance call that cannot continue," he said, adding that it was up to Renault's commission to end if honcho executive Carlos Ghosn should resign.

Ghosn module present a reorganization send to the commission during Monday's meeting, Besson said.

A inform Sunday in French newspaper Journal Du Dimanche said Renault's honcho operating tar Patrick Pelata, jural concern honcho Christian Husson and its manlike resources and security chiefs haw depart after Monday's meeting.

Finance Minister Christine Lagarde also said that the inform showed that the company's direction call was "dysfunctional" and revealed the requirement both for a "revision of the governance rules and for sanctions."

Lagarde told author Inter broadcasting she had taught land representatives on the commission to support the recommendations of the inspect report. The French land owns 15 percent of the company.

The French automobile giant sacked threesome managers in January, locution publicly it had grounds they had been selling secrets on the electric technology which is expected to change the automobile industry.

The French polity branded the affair "economic warfare" and whatever spinous the finger at China, drawing an provoked denial from Beijing.

But terminal month, the concern apologised to the managers after it emerged personnel institute no trace of slope accounts the accused men were questionable to hit held and that the maker of the intelligence allegations haw hit been a fraudster.



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