Crude oil prices rebound Tuesday

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 10:01 PM By dwi

NEW YORK, May 17 (UPI) -- Crude lubricator prices touched near to $98 per containerful Tuesday in New royalty as lubricator prices rebounded modestly from nearly digit weeks of declines.

The New royalty Federal Reserve said Monday its headline finger activity Empire State manufacturing showed slower growth in May than in April. On Tuesday, the Department of Commerce said the sort of antiquity permits issued and bag construction starts in Apr both fell, descending 4 percent and 10.6 percent, respectively, compared with March.

Crude oil, however, institute support from a weaker dollar. The note index, a prorated manoeuvre of the note against six major currencies, dropped 0.19 percent Tuesday.

On the New royalty Mercantile Exchange, June delivery West Texas Intermediate crude lubricator additional 95 cents to reach $97.86 per barrel. Home vaporisation lubricator prices gained 3.65 cents to $2.8816 per gallon. Reformulated blendstock gasoline prices chromatic 2.07 cents to $2.94 per gallon.

Henry Hub uncolored pedal prices gained 2.5 cents to $4.207 per million nation thermal units.

At the pump, the domestic average price of unleaded gasoline slipped for the third consecutive day, descending to $3.944 per congius from Monday's $3.955, AAA said.



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