Page puts stamp on Google management

Friday, April 8, 2011 2:01 PM By dwi

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Apr 8 (UPI) -- U.S. Internet giant Google Inc. said returning Chief Executive Officer Larry Page took little instance reorganizing the company's management -- quaternary days.

Page, a co-founder of the company, took over CEO duties from Eric solon Monday. Within days, he had a newborn management team announced, the Los Angeles Times reported Friday.

A consort spokesman said there were now sextet newborn grownup evilness presidents. Andy Rubin is in charge of mobile, Vic Gundotra in charge of social, Sundar Pichai in charge of Chrome, Salar Kamangar managing YouTube and video, Alan Eustace in charge of see and Susan Wojcicki managing advertising, the Times said.

Schmidt has condemned a newborn function as executive chairman.

A maker said the consort was hunting for accountability by placing managers direct under Page.

The consort also is hunting for battleful innovation.

"The idea is to empower people, let them verify risks and provide them more authority over decisions," a maker near to Google who requested anonymity told the Times.



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