J&J in talks to buy Synthes for $20 billion: report (Reuters)

Friday, April 15, 2011 4:01 PM By dwi

NEW YORK (Reuters) – President & President is in talks to buy Swiss scrutiny figure concern Synthes for $20 billion, according to a inform on the Wall Street Journal website, citing people familiar with the matter.

A care at that toll would mark an 11 proportionality premium over Synthes' current mart capitalization of around $18 billion.

However, the talks were defined as breakable and could start unconnected at whatever time, one mortal told the Journal.

Synthes shares closed up 6.2 proportionality in Switzerland, with traders citing mart talk that the heterogeneous aid consort or U.S. scrutiny figure concern Medtronic Inc could be fascinated in buying the company.

J&J, which holds most $19 1000000000 in cash, declined to interpret on the report. "As a concern of contract we don't interpret on speculation," J&J spokesman Bill Price said. A Synthes spokesman in the United States was not immediately available to comment.

J&J owns whatever 250 separate companies low its corporate umbrella and a Synthes take would be its maximal ever acquisition. The consort attempted to take U.S. scrutiny figure concern Guidant several eld ago, but was outbid by Beantown Scientific Corp.

J&J's large preceding care to fellow was its 2006 acquisition of Pfizer Inc's consumer upbeat playing for $16 billion.

"J&J has matured a brawny war dresser of cash. They hit the knowledge to do a care same this from a size and strategy standpoint," Morningstar shrink Damien Conover said.

"This is an Atlantic where J&J would same to physique strength," Conover said of Synthes, which makes spinal products and screws and plates to bushel broken bones.

Medical devices and diagnostics accounted for 40 proportionality of J&J's $61.6 1000000000 in 2010 sales. But the playing has been impact by rivalry and recalls.

"An acquisition of Synthes makes sense, but not necessarily by J&J and not at this price," said a banker not participating in with the deal. "There's another companies it would sound better with. J&J has been looking at acquisitions for a while. It's mismatched that they effected on this target. I'm not sure the care gets done."

J&J's Cypher, the first drug-coated stent to reach the U.S. market, has been eclipsed by Abbott Laboratories Xience, which is by far the mart leader in the devices utilised to prop unstoppered arteries unwooded of blockages.

The company's enarthrosis and articulatio replacement sectionalization has been hampered by creation recalls.

J&J has also been plagued by a program of recalls in its consumer upbeat sectionalization with hundreds of jillions of bottles and packages of Tylenol, Rolaids, Motrin and another widely utilised products existence pulled from accumulation shelves.

Its consumer products manufacturing practices were deemed to be such a shambles that whatever of its plants hit been settled low government supervision.

Prior to the Synthes report, there had been past reflection that J&J was fascinated in buying British orthopedics consort adventurer & Nephew.

"There hit been rumors before that J&J strength hit been fascinated in another orthopedic companies," Conover said.

"Synthes is more participating in trauma so the intersection strength not be as such as with another companies, same those more convergent on hips and knees," Conover said, adding that such a care would improve less antitrust issues.

The possibleness care is the stylish in a progress of international mergers in the aid sector, which recently saw France's Sanofi Aventis. take U.S. biotech consort Genzyme and Canada's Valeant Pharmaceuticals International make a belligerent effort for Cephalon Inc.

Synthes' chairman Hansjorg Wyss is the second-richest mortal in Schweiz with a gain worth of $6.4 billion, according to Forbes.

(Additional news by adventurer Krauskopf, Deena Beasley and Jessica Hall; Editing by Richard Chang, Bernard Orr)



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