Consumer prices up 0.5 percent in March

Friday, April 15, 2011 8:01 AM By dwi

WASHINGTON, Apr 15 (UPI) -- Higher matter and render prices pushed the U.S. Consumer Price Index 0.5 proportionality higher in March, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday.

Core prices, which eliminate matter and render costs and are ofttimes cited by the U.S. agent Reserve as evidence that inflation has not spread beyond the more volatile categories, chromatic 0.1 proportionality in March, half the 0.2 proportionality uprise a month earlier.

On a 12-month basis, set prices chromatic 1.2 proportionality in March.

The furniture said matter costs chromatic 0.8 percent, including a 1.1 proportionality move in the outlay of intake at bag and a 0.3 proportionality uprise at restaurants.

The furniture said prices for the six major matter categories it tracks rose, from 0.5 proportionality for cereals and workplace artefact to 1.9 proportionality for fruits and vegetables. Within the latter category, firm vegetables pushed the finger higher with a 4.7 proportionality increase.

Energy costs leaped 3.5 proportionality in March, including a 5.6 proportionality uprise in render of every types and a 6.2 proportionality gain in render oil prices.

Fuel oil prices hit risen 37.2 proportionality in the time six months but the home energy finger is up exclusive 1.2 proportionality over the time 12 months with the finger for energy up 1 proportionality and the finger for uncolored pedal down 5.5 percent.



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