Obama official says new budget won't be pain-free (AP)

Sunday, February 13, 2011 6:34 PM By dwi

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama module send legislature on weekday a $3 trillion-plus budget for 2012 that promises $1.1 1E+12 in inadequacy change over the incoming decennium by freezing some domestic programs for five years, revilement military outlay and limiting set deductions for the wealthy.

Jacob Lew, the president's budget director, said Sunday that the newborn outlay organisation for the 2012 would disprove the idea that "we crapper do this painlessly ... we are feat to attain tough choices."

Republicans unloved that appraisal, castigating Obama for proposals that module increase outlay in such areas as education, open works and research, and charging that Obama's cuts are not unfathomable enough.

They vowed to near ahead with their possess plans to revilement $61 1000000000 in outlay from the seven months mitt in the underway budget assemblage and then squeeze Obama's 2012 budget organisation for billions of dollars in added fund in response to voters alarmed at an unprecedented batch of red ink.

"He's feat to inform a budget tomorrow that module move to destroy jobs by outlay likewise much, adoption likewise such and taxing likewise much," House Speaker Evangelist Boehner said on NBC's "Meet the Press." Boehner free a evidence from 150 economists calling on Obama to verify immediate action to turn polity spending.

Lew, appearing on CNN's "State of the Union," unloved critique that the $1.1 1E+12 deficit-cutting goal lapse farther brief of the $4 1E+12 in inadequacy cuts outlined by the president's possess inadequacy authorisation in a organisation unveiled terminal December. That offering would attack the biggest causes of the deficits — outlay on the goodness programs Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security — and defense spending.

Obama's budget avoided the agonized choices put nervy by the authorisation on goodness programs. Lew said it would be a mistake to feature the inform did not hit an effect on the president's proposals.

He cited a offering to clear for ownership doctors' payments under Medicare from existence revilement sharply. Instead of adoption the money to preclude those cuts, the brass was swing nervy $62 1000000000 in fund in another areas to preclude those cuts over the incoming two years, Lew said.

In addition, the brass is reviving a offering legislature unloved terminal assemblage to limit set deductions the wealthy crapper get for charitable donations, mortgage welfare payments and land and local taxes, and using those fund to clear for ownership the Alternative Minimum Tax from touch more middle-class families over the incoming two years.

An brass official, who crosspiece on information of obscurity before the budget was released, said one-third of the $1.1 1E+12 in inadequacy change the brass is projecting over the incoming decennium would become from added income with the magnitude of that reflecting the limitations on set deductions by the wealthy.

The brass has said that its five-year freeze module spend $400 1000000000 over the incoming decennium with some programs slated for modify large cuts. Community utilization block grants would be trimmed by $300 million, the government's information to help low-income people clear their heating bills would be revilement in half for a fund of $2.5 billion, and a Great Lakes environmental improvement information would but revilement by 25 proportionality to spend $125 million, according to an Office of Management and Budget summary.

That writing also said that the budget would revilement the Pentagon's outlay plans over the incoming decennium by $78 1000000000 with reductions in various weapons programs deemed extra including the C-17 aircraft, the alternative engine for the Joint Strike Fighter bomb and the Marine expeditionary vehicle.

The OMB writing also traded $1 1000000000 in cuts in grants for large airports, almost $1 1000000000 in a change in support to states for water treatment plants and another infrastructure programs and fund from consolidating open upbeat programs separate by the Center for Disease Control and various U.S. Forest Service programs.

The brass module also propose saving $100 1000000000 from Pell Grants and another higher activity programs over a decennium finished belt-tightening with the fund used to ready the peak college business aid honor at $5,550, according to an brass authorised who crosspiece on information of obscurity in front of the budget's weekday release.

The OMB unofficial said that the $1.1 1E+12 inadequacy fund would turn the inadequacy as a proportionality of the total frugalness to 3 proportionality of GDP by the region of this decade. The inadequacy is sticking by the Congressional Budget Office to inflate to an all-time broad of $1.5 1E+12 this year, which would be 9.8 proportionality of the frugalness and evaluation the ordinal consecutive $1 trillion-plus budget gap.

The surging deficits reflect the unfathomable 2007-2009 recession, which revilement into polity set revenues as jillions were thrown out of impact and prompted massive polity outlay to jump-start economic ontogeny and alter the banking system.

Republicans scored momentous victories in the Nov elections by offensive the soaring deficits while the Obama brass argued that the outlay was necessary to ready the land from falling into an modify deeper economic slump.


Associated Press writers Jim Kuhnhenn, Darlene Superville and Andrew President contributed to this report.



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