Greece slams IMF, EU debt inspectors for hubris (AP)

Saturday, February 12, 2011 8:01 AM By dwi

ATHENS, Ellas – An indignant Ellas slammed EU and International Monetary Fund inspectors overseeing its efforts to improve its debt-crippled economy, accusing them Sat of overstepping their persona and meddling in Greece's interior affairs.

In an unco harshly worded, pre-dawn statement, polity spokesman Giorgos Petalotis called the activity of the inspectors at a weekday news word unacceptable.

"We hit needs, but we also hit limits. And we do not negotiate the limits of our dignity with anyone," Petalotis said. "We verify orders exclusive from the Hellenic people."

It was the prototypal time the polity has publically struck backwards at the IMF and the dweller Union, which saved Ellas from insolvency but at a price that some Greeks study likewise harsh.

The IMF, the dweller Central Bank and the dweller Commission deputation said Ellas staleness denationalise euro50 1000000000 ($68 billion) in realty assets and pace up structural reforms in the incoming few months to ready the country's harassed finances afloat. The IMF representative also said some of the frequent demonstrations against the Hellenic government's reforms were existence carried discover by groups angry at losing their "unfair advantages and privileges."

Greek Prime Minister martyr Papandreou expressed his appall at the comments to IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn in a sound call Saturday, according to his office. The evidence said Strauss-Kahn had called Papandreou.

"Mr. Strauss-Kahn expressed his discernment for the fiber of the maturity minister's remarks and his respect toward the Hellenic polity and the Hellenic people," the evidence said.

The contestant standpat party, however, struck backwards at the Socialist government, saying it was "too New for false tears," and the government's "post-midnight theatrical performance is a farce."

Greece's frugalness is under demanding supervision as conception of a euro110 1000000000 ($149 billion) bailout give collection from the IMF and the another dweller Union countries that ingest the euro — assets that saved Ellas from defaulting on its mountain of debt terminal May.

In return, the polity has been pushing through stringent and unpopular reforms, cutting open facet salaries and pensions, crescendo taxes and overhauling fag laws. The nonindulgence program has prompted fag unions to initiate a program of strikes and demonstrations.

Batches of the give are free every quarter, before which representatives from the IMF, the EC and the ECB visit Athens to analyse progress.

On Friday, the representatives, dubbed the 'troika,' said Ellas staleness denationalise euro50 1000000000 ($68 billion) in realty assets — seven times larger than a target ordered exclusive three months ago — and pace up structural reforms.

IMF assignment chief Poul Thomsen said Greece's long-term reforms were existence "fiercely tested by vested interests" like pushcart drivers and pharmacists who work in winking industries the polity was trying to open up.

"(I'm) not astonied that these groups are complaintive but I'm also convinced ... that the Hellenic accumulation wager it for what it is: an attempt to preserves their dirty advantages and privileges," he said.

The weekday advise word led to quick outrage in sections of the Hellenic press, with one TV fix describing Thomsen's remarks as "unacceptable." But there was no polity activity until Petalotis' evidence before 2 a.m.

"We asked them to help and we are full conformation our commitments. But we didn't communicate for anyone to interact in our country's interior affairs," Petalotis said, adding the polity would make clear that "everyone staleness see their role."

Greek national debt is ordered to top 150 percent of value this year.

Thomsen scoffed at a suasion that Ellas might delude its ancient monuments to improve money, but argued "the direction of open concept is a field maker of waste" in Greece.

Privatization targets are probable to include realty companies not traded on the hit mart and the utilization of open land, including athletics facilities that hit languished since the Athens Games in 2004. Ellas will seek euro15 1000000000 ($20 billion) in privatization and actual realty utilization this assemblage alone, according to Finance Ministry officials.

Petalotis said the polity had ofttimes uttered of the requirement to meliorate utilize realty property, but heavy that any much program would hit to be finished transparently and "in no housing effectuation the understanding of open land."

"It is equally obvious that exclusive the Hellenic polity is able to verify these decisions," he said.


Associated Press writers Derek Gatopoulos and Demetris Nellas contributed to this report.



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