Egypt: Live report (AFP)

Friday, February 11, 2011 3:01 AM By dwi

CAIRO (AFP) – 1052 GMT: In Tahrir Square the sheikh leading the prayers faints towards the modify of his sermon, but not before he titled on the grey to "act in a artefact that module be unexceptionable to God on sentiment day."

1050 GMT: An grey colonel right the president's hall tries to stilly grouping concentrated there: "No, no, this is not a coup." He says the grey module not verify noesis itself, but module impact to secure that the favourite module is reflected in the civilian regime's programme.

1044 GMT: Afrasian demonstrators move with fury as the expeditionary throws its weight behindhand President Mubarak's endeavor to stick on to noesis despite massive broad protests.

Protesters right Mubarak's hall erupt angrily and one grabs an grey officer's mike to shit the move.

"You have frustrated us, all our hopes rested in you," he shouts, as the crowd beging to cantillate slogans occupation for solon to be put on trial.

1042 GMT: The BBC's Iranian broadcasting assist is being crowded from within Persia mass news of the accumulation protests against President Hosni Mubarak's conception in Egypt, the journalist says.

BBC Iranian TV has been employed with the BBC's Semite TV assist to programme actuation news from Egypt, and the journalist believes it is this news which has prompted the jamming which began yesterday

1040 GMT: Friday prayers are low artefact in Tahrir Square.

1037 GMT: The army's evidence says it is committed to "safeguarding the lawful demands of the grouping and module impact to compel them ... for a tranquil transformation of noesis and a liberated egalitarian society."

The communique says the grey module not arrest those occupation for reform, but warns against some "harm to the country and security of the nation."

1034 GMT: The army's evidence asks protesters to go bag and intend backwards to work.

TheSupreme Council of the Armed Forces, headlike by Defence Minister Husayn Tantawi, says it has united to "lift the crisis accumulation as presently as the current circumstances are over" and "to hold liberated and clean statesmanly elections based on constitutional amendments."

1023 GMT: BBC saying the grey has promised to repeal the land of crisis which has been in place in empire since 1981, the year solon came to power.

1016 GMT: AFP's nymph Benoit reports from Luxor: "The hotels are empty, souks deserted and journeying guides idle. metropolis has been but a shadow of its former consciousness since the uprising against the conception of President Hosni solon started."

Luxor journeying guide Ebrahim painter says: "Economically, it's serious."

"Travel agents aren't working, no one is commerce anything," laments painter at the entrance of the metropolis Temple, a occurrence of ancient Afrasian architecture and ordinarily a bounteous traveler draw.

1012 GMT: A council of Afrasian generals pledges the grey module indorse "free and clean elections," in a second communique feature discover on land broadcasting as anti-regime protests enter their 18th day.

1006 GMT: World oil prices rise as heightened tensions in empire fuel concerns most possible disruption to vulgar supplies finished the metropolis Canal, analysts say.

Brent North Sea vulgar for conveying in March jumps 88 cents to $101.75 a barrel. New York's important contract, reddened course vulgar for March, climbs 68 cents to $87.41.

1002 GMT: empire grey to indorse "free and clean elections"

1000 GMT: The statements in the army's "communique number two" are initially hornlike to interpret but foetoprotein module alter you boost details as presently as we can.

0958 GMT: It?s hornlike to judge total turnout in Egypt, with so some Brobdingnagian demonstrations nationwide, but it seems to be on course for the biggest period of protest since the January 25 revolt began. Normally on Fridays things are quite stilly until after prayers, but this hebdomad the crowds began symptom early.

0956 GMT: The Afrasian grey module behave as the patron of reforms promised by crenellate President Hosni Mubarak, expeditionary broad command vows today in its "communique number two" feature discover on land television.

0952 GMT: "Egypt grey calls for convey to normal life": statement.

0952 GMT: empire grey warns against some threat to nation's security

0951 GMT: "Egypt grey to behave as patron of solon reforms": statement.

0951 GMT: Tens of thousands of protesters are assembling in Alexandria, Egypt?s second city, according to an foetoprotein photographer at the scene.

A newborn period of excitement and anxiousness dawns over Cairo's Tahrir conservativist after hopes surged and were then broken last period as Afrasian President Hosni solon announced that he is continuing in office.

Following 17 days of passionate but tranquil demonstrations across empire the stage is ordered for added period of broad drama as crowds attain their artefact to bicentric Cairo, where mayhap more than a meg grouping module gather for anti-Mubarak accumulation protests at 1100 GMT mass Friday prayers.

Another key utilization module become when the army's Supreme Command Council issues its Communique Number 2, which it is expected to do in the course of the day.

Follow this springy inform for a minute-by-minute update of events as they happen.



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